- May 13, 2022
- By JG Beacham Electric
- Electrical Inspections
Electrical Inspections
Electrical problems such as faulty circuits, out-of-date wiring, and other commonplace issues can be readily identified by property owners in some instances. However, they can be subtle and difficult to detect in other instances, making them potentially lethal. The consequences of a faulty electrical system that has been neglected or installed incorrectly are numerous and include electrical fires, property damage, and personal injury, to name a few.
Your investment will be safer and more secure if you have an electrical inspection performed by JG Beacham Electrical. Our electrical inspection services will make you aware of common electrical risks resulting from general neglect, old age, or improper installation. They will also provide you with a solution to the problems.
Hire us for electrical inspections. You’ll be at ease knowing that your electrical system complies with all applicable codes and regulations, thanks to the expertise of JG Beacham. Our electrical inspections include strategies for conserving energy and lowering long-term electrical costs as part of the overall package. We at JG Beacham Electrical will make sure that you have a safe and dependable electrical system.
Are You Looking For an Electrical Inspections Service?
Call JG Beacham Electrical at 912-598-6230!
Major Stages Of an Electrical Inspection
1. The Initial Examination
The initial inspection constitutes the majority of the inspection process. When the electrician first arrives to inspect the house or building’s wires, electrical panels, and electrical boxes.
The inspector will ensure that the wires are not dangling dangerously and are correctly intact and fastened. In addition, they will specifically ensure that there is no risk of a fire occurring. They will inspect all conduits and panels to ensure that they do not pose a significant risk of becoming a fire hazard due to their location and age.
The following are the main areas that the inspection will cover:
- AFCI and GFCI safeguards
- Circuitry and general electrical services
- Equipment labeling
- All wiring methods, including underground wiring
2. The Service Inspection
The service inspection will take place after everything has been thoroughly examined and significant issues have been resolved. The service inspection entails assessing the installation of electrical service.
The central panel will be examined closely to ensure that it is correctly installed and grounded during this stage. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the grave dangers that an improperly grounded panel poses.
A panel that has not been correctly grounded can result in an electric shock. That is why it is critical to inspect it at regular intervals thoroughly.

3. The Follow-Up Inspection
After the initial inspection and observation of service quality, the inspector will return for a final follow-up inspection. At this point, they will most likely conduct tests to determine whether the electrical system is safe and effective.
Breaks were placed when the system was first installed to ensure functionality. During the final inspection, these will be tested to ensure that everything is in working order and that one’s property is not in danger of catching fire or being fined for violating electrical system standard codes.
If someone fails their inspection, it is their responsibility to consult with their electrician and determine what changes can make the property safe enough to pass. Following the completion of the changes, they should request another electrical inspection to determine whether the system is now in compliance with current electrical codes and laws.
Frequently Asked Questions
What If I Don’t Have My Property Inspected?
If you refrain from having your property inspected, you will have very few options for selling, financing, or insuring the said property. This is because no one wants to risk dealing with a facility that could pose a risk to anyone who enters it.
You also significantly increase the risk of fires and electrocution if you do not have your home properly inspected and do not make the necessary changes that the inspector suggests.
It is critical that once the licensed electrician arrives to inspect your electrical system, you notify the owner of all potential hazards. These changes must be made before any further work can begin.
What Are The Things That Electricians Check During An Electrical Inspection?
Here are four basic things that electricians check during electrical inspections:
They inspect the electric meter for any deficiencies.
They examine the circuit breaker’s capacity.
They look for fraying or damage in electrical wires.
They make sure that GFCI outlets are correctly wired.
What Is The Importance Of Electrical Inspections?
Every household or business should have an electrical inspection to ensure the safety and security of their property. It is required, but it does not have to cause stress and hassle. Knowing what to expect beforehand can be one of the most effective ways to deal with an electrical inspection.

Dependable Electrical Inspections
Electrical inspections are required to ensure that one’s property is equipped with the proper electrical equipment and compliant with the laws and codes in their specific area of residence.
If any codes are violated, there is a high risk that the wiring will cause dangerous fires, so the wiring must be corrected immediately. In addition, failure to complete the required work following an inspection can result in severe personal and legal consequences for the property owner.
Employing the services of one of JG Beacham’s electricians to conduct the necessary inspections will put your mind at ease. Your electrical system complies with all applicable codes and regulations will give you peace of mind. Additionally, we provide energy-saving tips and strategies for lowering long-term electrical costs as part of our electrical inspections. As a result, you can count on JG Beacham Electrical to provide safe and dependable electricity.
Are You Looking For an Electrical Inspections Service?
Call JG Beacham Electrical at 912-598-6230!
JG Beacham Electrical
414 E. 35th St. Savannah, GA 31401